Folk Game Jam is now live until November 17!

Hello all, the Folk game Jam is now live here:

This game jam is based on the TTRPG "Folk", a rules-light collaborative role-playing game for one Lore Keeper and 2-4 players (Lore Seekers). Folk is inspired by a deep love of local traditions and folklore, and by the desire to explore them in a game.

This jam is for you and about you: I want to hear about your folk stories, your traditions, the creatures that inhabit your cultures, the mysteries that haunt your folks. So look at the submission details and share your folklore by mid-November! 


The Folk Game Jam will run from July 16 until November 17, so there is a lot of time to write an adventure and submit it. Adventures are accepted in any language, but English is preferred.

I look forward to reading your fascinating folk stories!


This jam (and the game "Folk") is dedicated to the loving memory of Davide Ragona, who was a wonderful, talented, dedicated, passionate, and kind soul. He left this life too early, and he will be sorely missed. He curated the beautiful layout of "Folk," a testament to his craft. Please go to his Itch page, download his beautiful games, and try them!


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